English to Sundanese Meaning of aqueduct - torowongan keur cai

Aqueduct :
torowongan keur cai

saluran, torowongan keur cai, balapan, petikan cai, solokan

torowongan keur caiaqueducts
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Definitions of aqueduct in English
Noun(1) a conduit that resembles a bridge but carries water over a valley
Examples of aqueduct in English
(1) One of these bridges is also a live aqueduct that supplies irrigation water to fields in surrounding areas.(2) Red sky creeps over the aqueduct , making the water look dark.(3) Los Angeles still draws half of its water from the aqueduct .(4) While at Queen Square he wrote an MD thesis on the radiology of the aqueduct and fourth ventricle.(5) In California the delta island levees in the Sacramento river area are breached, disrupting the aqueduct system transporting water from north to south.(6) Yonkers, on the other hand, began work in September 1873 on its own aqueduct that would deliver water from the Sprain Brook.(7) The root fibers arising from the trochlear nuclei form a decussation dorsal to the mesencephalic aqueduct , and they are the only cranial nerves that cross completely and that leave the dorsal aspect of the brain stem.(8) The next bridge may look like just an ordinary footbridge but it's also a covered aqueduct , transporting the waters of the ancient River Tyburn across the canal.(9) It seems likely, judging from the sediments in the water channels, that the aqueduct went on supplying water to NÔö£┬½mes until the early medieval period.(10) The tumor measured 64 x 35 x 27 mm and extended from the aqueduct to the Cl level of the spinal cord.(11) You see, this young engineer Attilus builds a great aqueduct to bring water from the slopes of Vesuvius sixty miles to Pompeii and other towns on the Bay of Naples.(12) From the lateral ventricles CSF drains into the central third ventricle, and thence through the aqueduct in the midbrain into the fourth ventricle.(13) Finally we visited part of the Roman aqueduct that brought water from the mountains into the city.(14) Water is delivered here by an aqueduct that cuts through 242 miles of desert.(15) Elaborate systems of aqueducts and ditches brought water from dammed springs to planted terraces, demonstrating engineering and building skills as well as planning and organizing abilities.(16) He built aqueducts to supply the city with water.
Related Phrases of aqueduct
(1) cerebral aqueduct ::
saluran cai cerebral
1. conduit ::
2. race ::
3. channel ::
4. chute ::
5. watercourse ::
6. sluice ::
7. sluiceway ::
8. spillway ::
Different Forms
aqueduct, aqueducts
English to Sundanese Dictionary: aqueduct

Meaning and definitions of aqueduct, translation in Sundanese language for aqueduct with similar and opposite words. Also find spoken pronunciation of aqueduct in Sundanese and in English language.

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